Singapore clears national QR code payment standard

The Singapore Payments Council (SPC) authorised a standard QR code specification for the country to simplify electronic and mobile payments. The SGQR system was devised by an industry group and uses international QR code protocols tweaked for the specific ... ( read original story ...)

Digital health ecosystem in Singapore

Singapore’s strategic geographical location coupled with its strong information technology infrastructure and favourable climate for innovation due to strong government support makes it an ideal destination for a digital healthcare hub in the Asia ... ( read original story ...)

Singapore sponges up Silicon Valley wisdom to win the future

SINGAPORE -- In 2016, while attending the National University of Singapore, Lim Jing Rong and Davis Gay teamed up to co-found a financial-technology startup. The major motivation that led them to create their own business? Their one-year experience in ... ( read original story ...)

Singapore government researching facial recognition applications

... a new security screening solution developed by a team comprised of employees from the Republic of Singapore Navy and DSTA Defence Science and Technology Agency, according to a report by OpenGov Asia. Announced on the ministry’s Facebook page, the ... ( read original story ...)

Flywire Captures Global FinTech Award in Singapore

and the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) for innovative solutions developed and implemented by fintech start-ups, financial institutions, and technology companies. 300 candidates were evaluated by a panel of international experts from multiple ... ( read original story ...)