Singapore’s MAS says not time to ease property curbs

Singapore's central bank says it is not yet time to ease property curbs and the adjustments made by the government in March do not signal an unwinding of the measures. While the property market has stabilised, "it is, however, not time yet to ease the ... ( read original story ...)

Fact or fiction: Anyone can trade in Singapore

As Asia and Singapore becomes increasingly digitised, processes get automated and several industries are disrupted by technology, in particular, finance. From robo advisors to even analysts, there is no denying that finance in Singapore has been disrupted ... ( read original story ...)

IPO activity expected to for 2017 expected to surpass 2016

Singapore, 3 July 2017 –Singapore’s Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) have raised US$329 million in H1 2017 according to latest figures by PwC Singapore, published today. The volume of IPO funds raised by the end of 2017 is likely to surpass 2016 levels ... ( read original story ...)

Singapore IPO activity disappoints in 1H17

Eight IPOs launched in the said period raised only US$324m. The latest report from Ernst & Young Solutions LLP noted that there were five initial public offerings (IPOs) in the second quarter of the year, raising a combined total of US$182m. For the first ... ( read original story ...)

Singapore Stock Market May Head South Again

( - The Singapore stock market has alternated between positive and negative finishes through the last five three trading days since the end of the two-day losing streak in which it had surrendered more than 45 points or 1.4 percent. The Straits ... ( read original story ...)

Singapore Dreams of Its Own J.P. Morgan

There are no new ideas in banking -- no equivalents of flying cars, or even 20-foot containers. The revolutionary thinking in finance is usually dusted off from the archives. Singapore's plan to let bankers play businessmen is no different. That's what J.P ... ( read original story ...)

Singapore to Let Banks Invest in Digital Platforms, E-Commerce

Regulator to limit investment to 10% of bank’s capital funds Retail clients to be able to transfer money using cell numbers Singapore regulators have proposed rules that will make it easier for banks to conduct or invest in non-financial businesses such ... ( read original story ...)

Philippines, Singapore push open banking system

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippines is set to pursue an agreement with Singapore as part of efforts to open up the banking industry aimed at greater financial integration and economic development among members of the Association of Southeast Asian ... ( read original story ...)

Singapore Stock Market Likely Rangebound On Tuesday

( - Ahead of Monday's holiday for Eid-ul-Fitr, the Singapore stock market has turned lower again - one session after it had ended the two-day losing streak in which it had surrendered more than 45 points or 1.4 percent. The Straits Times Index ... ( read original story ...)

1MDB: What Next for Scandal Bankers?

Sturzenegger, the only Swiss banker thus far to be charged over 1MDB, now faces the daunting task of restoring his reputation in Switzerland, where 1MDB rocked the banking sector nearly as much as in Singapore. The few remaining staff that Falcon maintains ... ( read original story ...)