Trade Risks Aside, Singapore Central Bank Is Ready to Tighten

Singapore’s central bank is one step closer to tightening monetary policy this week. A majority of economists surveyed by Bloomberg predict policy makers will look past the latest trade skirmishes between the world’s two largest economies and assess ... ( read original story ...)

Should I put my money in a property or stock investment?

This is seven per cent of the property value for the second house, for Singapore citizens (it’s 10 per cent for Permanent Residents, and 15 per cent for foreigners). And even Singapore citizens will pay the full 15 per cent ABSD, on the third and ... ( read original story ...)

Two weekend property launches see keen take-up rates

Savills Singapore research head Alan Cheong noted that the sales ... they may be able to sell their units at expected selling prices," he said. JPMorgan property analyst Brandon Lee said he believes the prices achieved in these new launches "will further ... ( read original story ...)

Bank of Thailand governor says accommodative policy needed

SINGAPORE: Thailand’s monetary policy should remain accommodative to nurture the economic recovery and as inflationary pressure remains weak, central bank Governor Veerathai Santiprabhob said. Thailand is still in the “early stage of a recovery of ... ( read original story ...)