Microsoft launches HoloLens computer in Singapore

It uses mixed reality technology to operate. Microsoft launched Microsoft HoloLens, its fully self-contained holographic computer running Windows 10, in Singapore starting 12 April 2018. According to an announcement, Singapore is the 41st country to have ... ( read original story ...)

Starhub first to offer 1Gbps mobile network

... Singapore’s latest attempt to attract the health-conscious crowd StarHub has switched on Singapore’s first commercially-ready 1Gbps network for its mobile customers as the industry looks towards 5G. As part of its ongoing network modernisation ... ( read original story ...)

Book on engineering feats that transformed Singapore launched

SINGAPORE - During the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Sars) crisis in 2003, a team of engineers and researchers from the Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) and ST Electronics risked their lives to set up data collection systems in hospitals. ( read original story ...)

Singapore needs charismatic leaders like Lee Kuan Yew: PM Lee

Addressing the Singapore University of Technology and Design's (SUTD) first Ministerial Forum earlier this week, Prime Minister Lee said, "It is hard enough to build a strong team of leaders in a small country like Singapore. It would be shortchanged if I ... ( read original story ...)

PM Lee Hsien Loong calls for ‘reimagining of Singapore’

Good design involves not just the hardware aspects of engineering and architecture, or the application of technology, but needs a deep understanding of the softer aspects of how individuals behave and how society works, he said. Singapore should also ... ( read original story ...)

Singapore “Flyer” of the Week: ASTI Holdings Limited

This makes ASTI a massive gainer in the Singapore stock market this week ... agreed to sell five of its wholly-owned subsidiaries to Shanghai Pudong Science and Technology Investment Co Ltd (PDSTI) for S$90 million in cash and an additional S$38 million ... ( read original story ...)

StarHub switches on gigabit LTE with Nokia

StarHub has announced activating what it called the "first commercially ready" gigabit-speed LTE mobile network in Singapore, as well as enabling narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) capabilities. The network is available across Marina Bay, the CBD ... ( read original story ...)