Legal Checklist for Setting Up a Restaurant in Singapore

Opening a new restaurant in Singapore demands compliance with a dizzying number of regulatory requirements. This will likely mean having to engage with a vast array of government agencies bearing a variety of acronyms such as NEA, AVA, URA, HDB ... ( read original story ...)

Singapore has to face tax question as it ages – policymakers

I think this is one of the existential questions we have to face," Ravi Menon, the head of Singapore's central bank, said at an Institute of Policy Studies event. Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat said in last year's budget speech that the government will ... ( read original story ...)

Additional Support Tipped For Singapore Stock Market

( - The Singapore stock market on Friday wrote a finish to the two-day slide in which it had surrendered almost 30 points or 0.8 percent. The Straits Times Index now rests just above the 3,550-point plateau and it may extend its gains on Monday. ( read original story ...)

How to Prepare Yourself for the Next Stock Market Crash?

Worried about the overall state of the market? Do you know the 1 thing you should never do in the stock market? The Motley Fool Singapore's new e-book lays out a plan to handle market crashes, details the greatest advantage you have as an investor ... ( read original story ...)

NSE asks Singapore to delay single stock futures launch

The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., operator of the country's biggest bourse, is asking Singapore Exchange Ltd. to delay the ... crackdown on foreign access to the country's derivatives market. The Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange, the Middle ... ( read original story ...)

Shock in Singapore as back-office salaries surge by up to 34%

After years in the doldrums, pay for these banking professionals in Singapore is suddenly and surprisingly on the up again. After years in the doldrums, pay for back ... ( read original story ...)

Now, black money stashed in Singapore banks under govt lens

India and Singapore had in 2013 amended the DTAA to help exchange banking and tax-related information more effectively. Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/ Those hiding unaccounted income in banks in Singapore will come under the scanner of the Indian ... ( read original story ...)