Phone scammers now pretending to be telco staff: Singapore Police

Members of the public were told that a mobile phone number registered under their names had been used for illicit activities before an operator asked for their personal information, the police said. File photo of woman on the phone. SINGAPORE: Scammers are ... ( read original story ...)

NTUC Income launches mobile app for accident reporting

SINGAPORE - NTUC Income unveiled on Wednesday (Aug 16) what it says is an industry-first - a mobile application (app) for its motor insurance policyholders to file an accident report remotely. The app will be useful to those who may be hard-pressed for ... ( read original story ...)

Singapore has the world’s fastest broadband speed

However, one of the tests also shows that Singapore has catching up to do for mobile broadband speeds. According to US-based Ookla's Net Index - watched closely by many authorities and Internet service providers - Singapore trumped 132 other countries last ... ( read original story ...)

Singapore Workers Get a Taste of Commuting Chaos

Singapore’s reputation for slick infrastructure and efficient public transport received a knock Friday morning as two of its five mass transit rail lines suffered signaling failures, leaving thousands of disgruntled passengers late for work and ... ( read original story ...)

Singapore rail delays leave commuters steaming

SINGAPORE: Singapore’s reputation for world-class infrastructure and efficient public transport received a knock on Friday morning as two of its five mass-transit rail lines suffered signalling failures, leaving thousands of disgruntled passengers late ... ( read original story ...)